


of the

National Organization of Test, Research, and Training Reactors

and the

International Group on Research Reactors

September 12-16, 2005

at the Holiday Inn, Gaithersburg, MD

Sponsored by the

National Institute of Standards and Technology


Message from the Chairmen:

Welcome to the first ever joint meeting of TRTR and IGORR. Members of the research reactor community will gather in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA to discuss recent developments at our facilities, to learn about design and construction of new facilities, and to meet with NRC, DoE, and other officials and our many corporate sponsors. We have planned an extensive, exciting, and informative conference for all participants. The following information will be helpful in obtaining details about the conference. Please keep checking the website for updates and new information. Please pass on this information to colleagues and friends. Additional information will also be provided by email through the trtr email server. Please subscribe by sending a message with the subject 'subscribe TRTR' to .

Registration Form

Meeting Site and hotel reservation (Holiday Inn, Gaithersburg, MD)


Meeting Exhibitors and Sponsors

Non-Technical Activities and Spouses/Guest Program

Local Information (travel directions, sightseeing, etc.)


Call for Papers

Meeting Contacts

NIST Information

TRTR Information

IGORR Information

Copies of all submitted papers are available in PDF format. Click here.

The full contents of this site are contained in this 0.9 Mb pdf file.

Last updated: 5 October 2005

Sponsored by:

U.S. Department of Commerce

Technology Administration


National Institute of Standards and Technology