
Call for Papers (and Sample Abstract)

Robert E. Williams

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Gaithersburg, Maryland

The chairmen of TRTR-2005 and IGORR-10 invite members of the research reactor community to participate in the first joint meeting of our organizations September 12-16, 2005 in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Abstracts of contributed papers for the technical and poster sessions are now being accepted. A bound volume of these abstracts will be included with the registration materials at the meeting.

Organization: Our program allows three and a half days for technical sessions. A few special sessions will be included, such as the sessions presented by NRC and DOE, and a tribute to the 50th anniversary of the Penn State reactor. Additional technical sessions will feature papers in the following areas:

New Research Reactor Projects

Reactor Upgrades and Major Changes

Secondary Neutron Sources (Cold, Hot Sources, etc.)

Research Reactor Utilization

Fuel Cycle and Fuel Developments for Research Reactors (Invited papers only)

Safety, Licensing, and Decommissioning


Any topic of interest to the research reactor community will be considered. At times, there will be parallel sessions, and a poster session or two, depending on the number of abstracts submitted.

Submitting Abstracts: Abstracts must be in English. Please submit them electronically to the Program Chairman at the e-mail address above. Attach the abstract to an e-mail indicating your preference of an oral presentation in one of the above mentioned sessions, or a poster presentation. The deadline for submittal is August 15, 2005. Abstracts received after the deadline will be considered as time allows.

Abstracts must contain the following information: title and author’s full name(s), author’s institution(s) and address, and the e-mail address of the presenter. Please limit abstracts to one page (8.5 x 11 inches, 1-inch margins); the full papers will be included in the conference proceedings. If possible, submit a Word document in 12-point Times New Roman font. The format of this page can serve as a guide (but not so long).

Oral Presentations: Talks will be limited to a total of 20 minutes, including 3-4 minutes for discussion. Plan to speak about 15-17 minutes. Times may be adjusted in special sessions to accommodate invited speakers.

Projection equipment for PowerPoint presentations will be available to speakers, as will overhead projectors.

Presenters will be notified as soon as possible, but no later than mid August about the preliminary program.

Final Papers: Present plans are to produce a CD version of the conference proceedings, similar to those of previous meetings, which will be distributed to all participants following the meeting. All papers will be included in the proceedings, regardless of their designation as “TRTR” or “IGORR” submittals.  

The proceedings constitute a permanent record of the meeting. For example, the proceedings of the previous three meetings are accessible at . Please make every effort to submit your paper so that all can be included.

Final papers should also be submitted electronically, as Word documents, like the abstracts, but limited to 8 pages, please. Speakers may also/alternatively submit electronic (PowerPoint) versions of their presentations. The deadline for final papers is September 16, 2005, the close of the meeting.

For additional information, or time, or assistance with abstracts and papers, please contact the TRTR-2005/IGORR-10 program chairman:

Dr. Robert E. Williams

National Institute of Standards and Technology

100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8560

Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8560



Fax:    301-975-8800
