TRTR-IGORR Joint Meeting
Holiday Inn, Gaithersburg, MD 301 948-8900
September 12-16, 2005
Participants are encouraged to register as soon as possible by submitting the pdf registration form via fax or mail. The registration fees can be paid by check or credit card as indicated on the registration form. The registration fee for participants is $350, which includes all meals, banquets, and meeting activities. The fee for each spouse/guest is $50.
Send registration form and payment to:
1903 Bishop Castle Dr.
Olney, MD 20832
301 570-2119 fax
Additional information:
If you require a special menu or have any food allergies please describe these on the registration
form. We will try to accommodate you.
Those taking the Friday NIST tour will need to complete a tour registration and have a
government issued photo I.D. in their possession.
To obtain a travel VISA to the U.S. non-U.S. residents should make their VISA application as
early as possible. This process can take months to complete!
For guaranteed hotel space and rates make your reservation by 31 August 2005.
Holiday Inn Reservations: 301 948-8900, 1-800-HOLIDAY
Pdf file format of registration form