

Taner Yildirim has been named as NIST Fellow.
December 2010

Taner Yildirim wins the Special Award of Turkish Science Organization
December 2009

picture of Yildirim receiving his price from Turkish president
Taner Yildirim receiving his prize from Turkish President

Dr. Taner Yildirim, a physicist at the NCNR, has won the prestigious Special Award for 2009 from Tubitak, the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. The Special Award is reserved for Turkish scientists working in other countries, and is among Turkey's highest awards for scientific achievement. Dr. Yildirim received his prize in a ceremony at Turkey's Presidential Palace in Ankara, December 2009.

Dr. Yildirim was nominated for the Tubitak Special Award by Prof. Mehmet Erbudak of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. The award is based in part on evaluations from twelve international non co-author colleagues on his work on five publications: "Origin of the ~150 K Anomaly in LaOFeAs; Competing Antiferromagnetic Interactions, Frustration, and a Structural Phase Transition "(PRL, 2008); "Titanium-Decorated Carbon Nanotubes as a Potential High-Capacity Hydrogen Storage Medium" (PRL, 2005); "Direct Observation of Hydrogen Adsorption Sites and NanoCage Formation in Metal-Organic Frameworks" (PRL, 2005); "Giant Anharmonicity and Non-linear Electron-Phonon Coupling in MgB2" (PRL, 2001); "Tc vs. Carrier Concentration in Cubic Fulleride Superconductors "(PRL, 1996).

Link to the TUBITAK Award (in Turkish):

NCNR scientists Dan Neumann and Taner Yildirim have been named Fellows of the American Physical Society
December 2008

Neumann Yildirim photo
Taner Yildirim (left) and Dan Neumann (right)

APS Fellowships are granted in recognition of outstanding achievement and contribution to physics. Less than half of one percent of the membership of the Society may become Fellows in a given year.  

Neumann's citation reads: "For seminal studies of the structure and dynamics of new carbon-based materials and critical leadership serving the U.S. neutron scattering community"

Dan Neumann's work comprises applications of neutron scattering methods to a wide range of topics in condensed matter physics, chemistry, and materials science. Especially noteworthy are his contributions to the understanding of solid C60 (buckminsterfullerene) and fullerene superconductors. He has also carried out important investigations on materials for hydrogen storage, molecular solids, and the basic chemistry of cement. He is currently a group leader at the NCNR, managing one of the largest research groups at NIST. He also directed the design and construction of one of the NCNR's most advanced neutron scattering instruments, the High Flux Backscattering Spectrometer.


Yildirim's citation reads: "For combining analytic theory, first-principles computations, and neutron scattering measurements to design, discover, and understand new materials with novel physics"

Taner Yildirim's research also spans a wide range of topics, involving both theoretical and experimental studies. He is admirably proficient in doing first-principles electronic structure calculations, synthesizing new materials, and performing neutron scattering experiments. His investigations on carbon nanotubes, fullerene materials, materials for hydrogen storage, magnetic matetials, and novel superconductors are widely recognized and highly cited.

Flemming Award goes to Taner Yildirim
June 2008

GW Prez and T. Yildirim
Taner Yildirim (right) accepts award from GWU President Steve Knapp

Administered by George Washington University, the Arthur S. Flemming Awards are given for excellence in federal service in several categories, including basic science. NCNR staff member Taner Yildirim was recognized in the 2007 Awards.

Dr. Yildirim's citaiton reads: "For his outstanding accomplishments in investigations of the properties of materials using neutron scattering experiments and associated first-principles calculations. His work has provided profound insights into the properties of superconductors and hydrogen storage materials, offering promise for future energy technologies"

The Flemming alumni include many whose names are well-known such as 1997 Nobel Laureate William Phillips. For more info see

NIST acting director Pat, 1997 Nobel Laureate William Phillips, and Taner Yildirim
NIST Deputy Director Pat Gallagher (left), 1997 Nobel Laureate and Flemming alumni William Phillips and Taner Yildirim (right), at the Flemming Award reception dinner, GW university.

Click here for more Flemming Award Pictures

Taner Yildirim wins United States, Deparment of Commerce, Gold Medal Award
December 2007

The Gold Medal, first presented in 1949, is the highest honor award conferred upon an employee of the Department of Commerce. It is bestowed for distinguished performance characterized by extraordinary, notable or prestigious contributions that impact the mission of the Department of Commerce and/or one operating unit and which reflect favorably on the Department.

Dr. Yildirim's citaiton reads: "For scientific breakthroughs in the creation and characterization of nanostructured materials for safe and efficient solid-state hydrogen storage"


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