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Detectors for the European Spallation Source: The Story So Far ...
Richard Hall-Wilton (European Spallation Source)
The European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund, Sweden will become the world's leading neutron source for the study of materials by 2025. First neutrons will be produced in 2019. It will be a long pulse source, with an average beam power of 5 MW delivered to the target station. The ESS is presently in a design update phase, which ends in February 2013 with a technical design report. Construction will subsequently start with the goal of bringing the first seven instruments into operation in 2019 at the same time as the source. The full baseline suite of 22 instruments will be brought online by 2025. These instruments present numerous challenges for detector technology in the absence of the availability of Helium-3, which is the default choice for detectors for instruments built today. Additionally a new generation of source requires a new generation of detector technologies to fully exploit the opportunities that this source provides. This presentation presents briefly the current status of the ESS, and outlines the timeline to completion. The current status of on-going neutron detector R+D, much of it linked to ESS, is given in detail. For a conjectured full baseline instrument suite, which has been chosen for demonstration purposes for the technical design report, a snapshot of the current expected detector requirements are presented. An outline as to how some of these requirements might be tackled is shown. Given that the delivery of the ESS technical design report is only a month away, the contents of the presentation reflects strongly the content of the technical design report.
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Last modified 08-November-2012 by website owner: NCNR (attn: )