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Polarized neutrons on multi-detector spectrometers at the ILL

Ross Stewart, Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, France

New developments in neutron polarization devices have lead to a recent surge of interest in equipping multi-detector neutron spectrometers at the ILL with a neutron polarization analysis option.  This has most recently been installed on the diffuse scattering spectrometer D7 (supermirror arrays), the reflectometer D17 and the SANS diffractometer D22 (both 3He spin-filters).  An overview of these projects and their scientific impact will be presented.  In addition I will talk about the ILL PASTIS project, which seeks to equip an inealstic TOF spectrometer, and the new "Flatcone" option on the 3-axis spectrometer, IN20, with neutron polarization analysis capability.

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Last modified 13-February-2008 by website owner: NCNR (attn: )