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The triple axis spectrometer at the new research reactor OPAL in Australia

Sergey A. Danilkin, ANSTO (Australia)

A triple-axis spectrometer (TAS) is projected to be a part of the suite of eight new neutron scattering instruments at the reactor OPAL at ANSTO (Sydney, Australia). The TAS will be based on a thermal beam at the reactor face. Main features of the instrument are: compact shielding, variable incident neutron energy, double focusing monochromator and analyser, polarisation-analysis mode. Commissioning of the TAS TAIPAN is scheduled by the end of 2006.

The results of a neutron scattering study of lattice dynamics and diffuse scattering in the superionic conductor Cu2-xSe will also be presented.

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Last modified 02-March-2006 by website owner: NCNR (attn: )