Residual Stress Diffractometer (BT8) Publications
- Outcomes and Conclusions from the 2022 AM Bench Measurements, Challenge Problems, Modeling Submissions, and Conference
Levine, L., Lane, B., Becker, C., Belak, J., Carson, R., Deisenroth, D., Glaessgen, E., Gnaupel-Herold, T., Gorelik, M., Greene, G., Habib, S., Higgins, C., Hill, M., Hrabe, N., Killgore, J., Kim, J.W., Lemson, G., Migler, K., Moylan, S., Pagan, D., Phan, T., Praniewicz, M., Rowenhorst, D., Schwalbach, E., Seppala, J., Simonds, B., Stoudt, M., Weaver, J., Yeung, H., and Zhang, F., Integr Mater Manuf Innov (2024)
- “The Effect Of The Free Surface On Penetration Depth Limited X-ray Stress Measurements” Gnaupel-Herold, T., in 2024 SEM Annual Conference, Downloadable Submissions, (Society for Experimental Mechanics, Vancouver, WA, 2024), pp. 1–9
- Bottom-up Gold Filling of Trenches in Curved Wafers
Josell, D., Raciti, D., Gnaeupel-Herold, T., Pereira, A., Tsai, V., Yu, Q., Chen, L., Stauber, M., Rawlik, M., Stampanoni, M., Moffat, T.P., and Romano, L., J. Electrochem. Soc. (2024)
- “Bulk Elastic Constants and their Role in Diffractive Stress Analysis” Gnaeupel-Herold, T., Advances in X-ray Analysis 67, (2024)
- Elastic behaviour of orientation-correlated grains in multiphase aggregates
Gnaupel-Herold, Thomas, ., Journal of Applied Crystallography 56, (2023)
- Evaluation of residual stresses in isothermal friction stir welded 304L stainless steel plates
Bhattacharyya, M., Gnaupel-Herold, T., Raja, K.S., Darsell, J., Jana, S., and Charit, I., Materials Science and Engineering: A 826, 141982 (2021)
- Residual Stress Analysis of Cold Spray Coatings Sprayed at Angles Using Through-thickness Neutron Diffraction Measurement
Loke, K., Zhang, Z.-Q., Narayanaswamy, S., Koh, P.K., Luzin, V., Gnaupel-Herold, T., and Ang, A.S.M., J Therm Spray Tech 30, 1810–1826 (2021)
- Micromechanical behavior of multilayered Ti/Nb composites processed by accumulative roll bonding: An in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction investigation
Jiang, S., Peng, R.L., Hegedűs, Z., Gnäupel-Herold, T., Moverare, J.J., Lienert, U., Fang, F., Zhao, X., Zuo, L., and Jia, N., Acta Materialia 205, 116546 (2021)
- Quasi-static and dynamic response, and texture evolution of two overaged Al 7056 alloy plates in T761 and T721 tempers: Experiments and modeling
Ku, A.Y., Khan, A.S., and Gnäupel-Herold, T., International Journal of Plasticity 102679 (2020)
- Neutron Diffraction Study of Macrostress and Microstress in Al-Al2O3-Based Corrosion Protection Coating Obtained by Cold Spray (Dynamic Metallization)
Luzin, V., Spiridonov, P., Spencer, K., and Gnaupel-Herold, T., J Therm Spray Tech 29, 1437–1454 (2020)
- Elastic Residual Strain and Stress Measurements and Corresponding Part Deflections of 3D Additive Manufacturing Builds of IN625 AM-Bench Artifacts Using Neutron Diffraction, Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction, and Contour Method
Phan, T.Q., Strantza, M., Hill, M.R., Gnaupel-Herold, T.H., Heigel, J., D’Elia, C.R., DeWald, A.T., Clausen, B., Pagan, D.C., Peter Ko, J.Y., Brown, D.W., and Levine, L.E., Integr Mater Manuf Innov 8, 318–334 (2019)
- Fracture Mechanics Approach to Splitting in Low Spring Index Cold Coiling Process
Prawoto, Y., Manville, S., Sakai, T., Lee, L., Tanaka, M., and Gnaupel-Herold, T., J Fail. Anal. And Preven. 19, 738–751 (2019)
- Defect Growth Characterization in Modern Rail Steels
Jeong, D.Y., Woelke, P.B., Nied, H.F., DuPont, J.N., Kizildemir, S., Fletcher, F.B., and Hutchinson, J.W., in 2019 Joint Rail Conference, (American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Snowbird, Utah, USA, 2019), pp. V001T01A006
- FD&E Total Life T-Sample Residual Stress Analytical Predictions and Measured Results
Mach, J., Gales, C., Park, J.-S., Okasinski, J., Budrow, C., Beaudoin, A., Swartz, K., Miller, M., and Gnaupel-Herold, T., in (2019), pp. 2019-01-0528
- Assessment of Martensitic Transformation Paths Based on Transformation Potential Calculations
Creuziger, A., Poling, W.A., and Gnaeupel-Herold, T., Steel Research Int. (2018)
- Design of an Octo-Strain Specimen for Biaxial Tension Testing
Milner, J.L. and Gnäupel-Herold, T., in Volume 2: Materials; Joint Msec-namrc-manufacturing USA, (American Society of Mechanical Engineers, College Station, Texas, USA, 2018), pp. V002T04A028
- Assessment of bias errors caused by texture and sampling methods in diffraction-based steel phase measurements
Creuziger, A., Calhoun, C.A., Poling, W.A., and Gnäupel-Herold, T., J Appl Cryst 51, (2018)
- Residual Stress in Additive Manufactured Nickel Alloy 625 Parts
Bass, L., Milner, J., Gnäupel-Herold, T., and Moylan, S., J. Manuf. Sci. Eng 140, 061004 (2018)
- Stress Profiling in Cold-Spray Coatings by Different Experimental Techniques: Neutron Diffraction, X-Ray Diffraction and Slitting Method
Luzin, V., Spencer, K., Hill, M.R., Wei, T., Law, M., and Gnaupel-Herold, T., in (2018), pp. 129–134
- Effect of Applied Stress and Temperature on Residual Stresses Induced by Peening Surface Treatments in Alloy 600
Telang, A., Gnäupel-Herold, T., Gill, A., and Vasudevan, V.K., J. Of Materi Eng and Perform (2018)
- “Defect Growth Characterization in Modern Rail Steel” Woelke, P.B., Nied, H.F., DuPont, J.N., Kizildemir, S., Fletcher, F.B., and Hutchinson, W., Defect growth characterization in modern rail steel (U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, Washington, DC, USA, 2018), p. 119
- Increased interference fringe visibility from the post-fabrication heat treatment of a perfect crystal silicon neutron interferometer
Heacock, B., Arif, M., Cory, D.G., Gnaeupel-Herold, T., Haun, R., Huber, M.G., Jamer, M.E., Nsofini, J., Pushin, D.A., Sarenac, D., Taminiau, I., and Young, A.R., Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 023502 (2018)
- Experimental Investigation of Residual Stress and its Impact on Machining in Hybrid Additive/Subtractive Manufacturing
Heigel, J.C., Phan, T.Q., Fox, J.C., and Gnaupel-Herold, T.H., Procedia Manufacturing 26, 929–940 (2018)
- Defect Growth Characterization in Modern Rail Steel
Kizildemir, Sena, ., Defect growth characterization in modern rail steel, M.S. thesis, Lehigh University, 2018
- Formation of the Ni3Nb δ-Phase in Stress-Relieved Inconel 625 Produced via Laser Powder-Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing
Lass, E.A., Stoudt, M.R., Williams, M.E., Katz, M.B., Levine, L.E., Phan, T.Q., Gnaeupel-Herold, T.H., and Ng, D.S., Metall and Mat Trans A 48, 5547–5558 (2017)
- Anisotropy, tension-compression asymmetry and texture evolution of a rare-earth-containing magnesium alloy sheet, ZEK100, at different strain rates and temperatures: Experiments and modeling
Habib, S.A., Khan, A.S., Gnäupel-Herold, T., Lloyd, J.T., and Schoenfeld, S.E., International Journal of Plasticity 95, 163–190 (2017)
- Residual stress measurements via neutron diffraction of additive manufactured stainless steel 17-4 PH
Masoomi, M., Shamsaei, N., Winholtz, R.A., Milner, J.L., Gnäupel-Herold, T., Elwany, A., Mahmoudi, M., and Thompson, S.M., Data in Brief 13, 408–414 (2017)
- Fatigue properties of a titanium alloy (Ti–6Al–4V) fabricated via electron beam melting (EBM): Effects of internal defects and residual stress
Hrabe, N., Gnäupel-Herold, T., and Quinn, T., International Journal of Fatigue 94, 202–210 (2017)
- Uncertainty in flow stress measurements using X-ray diffraction for sheet metals subjected to large plastic deformations
Jeong, Y., Gnäupel-Herold, T., Iadicola, M., and Creuziger, A., J Appl Cryst, J Appl Crystallogr 49, 1991–2004 (2016)
- Plastic deformation behavior of a thermo-mechanically processed AZ31 magnesium alloy under a wide range of temperature and strain rate
Kabirian, F., Khan, A.S., and Gnäupel-Herlod, T., Journal of Alloys and Compounds 673, 327–335 (2016)
- Residual Stresses in Flow Drill Screwdriving of Aluminum Alloy Sheets
Milner, J.L., Gnäupel-Herold, T., and Skovron, J.D., V001T02A012 (2016)
- Multiaxial constitutive behavior of an interstitial-free steel: Measurements through X-ray and digital image correlation
Jeong, Y., Iadicola, M.A., Gnäupel-Herold, T., and Creuziger, A., Acta Materialia 112, 84–93 (2016)
- Visco-plastic modeling of mechanical responses and texture evolution in extruded AZ31 magnesium alloy for various loading conditions
Kabirian, F., Khan, A.S., and Gnäupel-Herlod, T., International Journal of Plasticity 68, 1–20 (2015)
- Evaluation of biaxial flow stress based on elasto-viscoplastic self-consistent analysis of X-ray diffraction measurements
Jeong, Y., Gnäupel-Herold, T., Barlat, F., Iadicola, M., Creuziger, A., and Lee, M.-G., International Journal of Plasticity 66, 103–118 (2015)
- Uncertainty in retained austenite measurements applied to individual crystallographic orientations
Creuziger, A. and Gnäupel-Herold, T., IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 82, 012066 (2015)
- Crystallographic texture evolution in 1008 steel sheet during multi-axial tensile strain paths
Creuziger, A., Hu, L., Gnäupel-Herold, T., and Rollett, A.D., Integrating Materials 3, 1 (2014)
- Neutron measurements of stresses in a test artifact produced by laser-based additive manufacturing
Gnäupel-Herold, T., Slotwinski, J., and Moylan, S., AIP Conference Proceedings 1581, 1205–1212 (2014)
- Measurement of uncertainty in orientation distribution function calculations
Creuziger, A., Syed, K., and Gnäupel-Herold, T., Scripta Materialia 72-73, 55–58 (2014)
- Interpretation of Diffraction Data from In Situ Stress Measurements during Biaxial Sheet Metal Forming
Gnäupel-Herold, T., Iadicola, M., Creuziger, A., Foecke, T., and Hu, L., Materials Science Forum (2014)
- Neutron residual stress measurements in rails
Luzin, V., Prask, H.-J., Gnaupel-Herold, T., Gordon, J., Wexler, D., Rathod, C., Pal, S., Daniel, W., and Atrens, A., Neutron News 24, 9–13 (2013)
- Through-Thickness Stresses in Automotive Sheet Metal after Plane Strain Channel Draw
Gnäupel-Herold, T., Green, D.E., Foecke, T., and Iadicola, M.A., MSF 768-769, 433–440 (2013)
- A software for diffraction stress factor calculations for textured materials
Gnäupel-Herold, T., Powder Diffr. 27, 114–116 (2012)
- ISODEC: software for calculating diffraction elastic constants
Gnäupel-Herold, T., J Appl Cryst, J Appl Crystallogr 45, 573–574 (2012)
- ISODEC : software for calculating diffraction elastic constants
Gnäupel-Herold, T., J Appl Cryst 45, 573–574 (2012)
- Effective X-ray elastic constant measurement for in situ stress measurement of biaxially strained AA5754-O
Iadicola, M.A. and Gnäupel-Herold, T.H., Materials Science and Engineering: A 545, 168–175 (2012)
- A model for calculating diffraction elastic constants
Gnäupel-Herold, T., Creuziger, A.A., and Iadicola, M., J Appl Cryst, J Appl Crystallogr 45, 197–206 (2012)
- “Neutron Diffraction Measurements for Residual Stresses in AL-6XN Stainless Steel Welded Beams” Cheng, X., Prask, H.J., Gnaeupel-Herold, T., Luzin, V., and Fisher, J.W., in Neutron Diffraction, (2012), p. 26
- A software for diffraction stress factor calculations for textured materials
Gnäupel-Herold, T., Powder Diffr. 27, 114–116 (2012)
- “AN INVESTIGATION OF THE ACCURACY OF DIFFRACTION STRESS EVALUATION OF TEXTURED MATERIALS” Gnaupel-Herold, T., Creuziger, A., and Iadicola, M.A., in Advances in X-ray Analysis, (ICDD, Colorado Springs, 2011), p. 8
- Mechanical response and texture evolution of AZ31 alloy at large strains for different strain rates and temperatures
Khan, A.S., Pandey, A., Gnäupel-Herold, T., and Mishra, R.K., International Journal of Plasticity 27, 688–706 (2011)
- Diffraction study of the retained austenite content in TRIP steels
Gnäupel-Herold, T. and Creuziger, A., Materials Science and Engineering: A 528, 3594–3600 (2011)
- Residual stresses in girth welds of carbon steel pipes: neutron diffraction analysis
Neeraj, T., Gnäupel-Herold, T., Prask, H.J., and Ayer, R., Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 16, 249–253 (2011)
- Use of neutron diffraction for stress measurements in thin and thick thermal sprayed coatings
Luzin, V., Prask, H.-J., Gnaupel-Herold, T., and Sampath, S., International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering 4, 17–24 (2010)
- Through-Thickness Residual Stress Measurement by Neutron Diffraction in Cu+W Plasma Spray Coatings
Luzin, V., Matějíček, J., and Gnäupel-Herold, T., Materials Science Forum (2010)
- A Neutron Diffraction-Based Technique for Determining Phase-Resolved Strains in Portland Cement
Mikel, S.E., Biernacki, J.J., and Gnäupel-Herold, T., MJ 106, 455–460 (2009)
- Formalism for the determination of intermediate stress gradients using X-ray diffraction
Gnäupel-Herold, T., J Appl Cryst, J Appl Crystallogr 42, 192–197 (2009)
- “FATIGUE PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT OF AWJ-MACHINED AIRCRAFT ALUMINUM WITH DRY-GRIT BLASTING” Liu, H.-T., ., T Gnäupel-Herold, ., Hovanski, Y., and Dahl, M.E., ., Waterjet Technology Association Conference 15 (2009)
- Techniques for Neutron Stress Determination with High Spatial Resolution
Gnäupel-Herold, T., J Nondestruct Eval 28, 149–155 (2009)
- S192 Techniques for Neutron Stress Determination with High Spatial Resolution
Gnäupel-Herold, T., Powder Diffr. 23, 184–184 (2008)
- Investigations of Residual Stresses and Mechanical Properties of Single Crystal Niobium for SRF Cavities
Gnäupel‐Herold, T., Myneni, G.R., and Ricker, R.E., AIP Conference Proceedings 927, 48–59 (2007)
- Integrated characterization of cold sprayed aluminum coatings
Choi, W.B., Li, L., Luzin, V., Neiser, R., Gnäupel-Herold, T., Prask, H.J., Sampath, S., and Gouldstone, A., Acta Materialia 55, 857–866 (2007)
- Robustness of the sheet metal springback cup test
Foecke, T. and Gnaeupel-Herold, T., Metall and Mat Trans A 37, 3503–3510 (2006)
- Residual stress measurements in coil, linepipe and girth welded pipe
Law, M., Prask, H., Luzin, V., and Gnaeupel-Herold, T., Materials Science and Engineering: A 437, 60–63 (2006)
- Effect of thermo-mechanical treatments on residual stresses measured by neutron diffraction in cold-drawn steel rods
Ruiz-Hervias, J., Luzin, V., Prask, H., Gnaeupel-Herold, T., and Elices, M., Materials Science and Engineering: A 435-436, 725–735 (2006)
- A multiscale methodology for deformation modeling applied to friction stir welded steel
Boyce, D.E., Dawson, P.R., Sidle, B., and Gnäupel-Herold, T., Computational Materials Science 38, 158–175 (2006)
- Residual stress measurements in a thick, dissimilar aluminum alloy friction stir weld
Prime, M.B., Gnäupel-Herold, T., Baumann, J.A., Lederich, R.J., Bowden, D.M., and Sebring, R.J., Acta Materialia 54, 4013–4021 (2006)
- Microstructure, mechanical properties, and adhesion in IN625 air plasma sprayed coatings
Gnaeupel-Herold, T., Prask, H.J., Barker, J., Biancaniello, F.S., Jiggetts, R.D., and Matejicek, J., Materials Science and Engineering: A 421, 77–85 (2006)
- Through‐Thickness Residual Stress Measurements on Springback Test Specimens
Gnaeupel‐Herold, T., Foecke, T., and Iadicola, M.A., AIP Conference Proceedings 778, 221–221 (2005)
- An investigation of springback stresses in AISI-1010 deep drawn cups
Gnaeupel-Herold, T., Foecke, T., Prask, H.J., and Fields, R.J., Materials Science and Engineering: A 399, 26–32 (2005)
- A Benchmark Test for Springback: Experimental Procedures and Results of a Slit-Ring Test
Xia, Z.C., Miller, C.E., Lou, M., Shi, M.F., Konieczny, A., Chen, X.M., and Gnaeupel-Herold, T., A benchmark test for springback: experimental procedures and results of a slit-ring test (SAE International, Warrendale, PA, 2005)
- A Benchmark Test for Springback: Experimental Procedures and Results of a Slit-Ring Test
Xia, Z.C., Miller, C.E., Lou, M., Shi, M.F., Konieczny, A., Chen, X.M., and Gnaeupel-Herold, T., A benchmark test for springback: experimental procedures and results of a slit-ring test (SAE International, Warrendale, PA, 2005)
- Measurement and Calculation of Elastic Properties in Low Carbon Steel Sheet
Luzin, V., Banovic, S., Gnäupel-Herold, T., Prask, H., and Ricker, R.E., Materials Science Forum (2005)
- Residual stresses and stress partitioning measurements by neutron diffraction in Al/Al–Cu–Fe composites
Tang, F., Gnäupel-Herold, T., Prask, H., and Anderson, I.E., Materials Science and Engineering: A 399, 99–106 (2005)
- Consolidation effects on tensile properties of an elemental Al matrix composite
Tang, F., Meeks, H., Spowart, J.E., Gnaeupel-Herold, T., Prask, H., and Anderson, I.E., Materials Science and Engineering: A 386, 194–204 (2004)
- Consolidation effects on tensile properties of an elemental Al matrix composite
Tang, F., Meeks, H., Spowart, J.E., Gnaeupel-Herold, T., Prask, H., and Anderson, I.E., Materials Science and Engineering: A 386, 194–204 (2004)
- Pure Al matrix composites produced by vacuum hot pressing: tensile properties and strengthening mechanisms
Tang, F., Anderson, I.E., Gnaupel-Herold, T., and Prask, H., Materials Science and Engineering: A 383, 362–373 (2004)
- Studies of deformation-induced texture development in sheet materials using diffraction techniques
Banovic, S.W., Vaudin, M.D., Gnaeupel-Herold, T.H., Saylor, D.M., and Rodbell, K.P., Materials Science and Engineering: A 380, 155–170 (2004)
- A synchrotron study of residual stresses in a Al6022 deep drawn cup
Gnaeupel-Herold, T., Prask, H.J., Fields, R.J., Foecke, T.J., Xia, Z.C., and Lienert, U., Materials Science and Engineering: A 366, 104–113 (2004)
- Neutron Residual Stress Measurements on Rail Sections for Different Production Conditions
Luzin, V., Gordon, J.E., Gnaupel-Herold, T., and Prask, H.J., 117–122 (2004)
- Studies of deformation-induced texture development in sheet materials using diffraction techniques
Banovic, S.W., Vaudin, M.D., Gnaeupel-Herold, T.H., Saylor, D.M., and Rodbell, K.P., Materials Science and Engineering: A 380, 155–170 (2004)
- Residual stress modification by post-weld treatment and its beneficial effect on fatigue strength of welded structures
Cheng, X., Fisher, J.W., Prask, H.J., Gnäupel-Herold, T., Yen, B.T., and Roy, S., International Journal of Fatigue 25, 1259–1269 (2003)
- Structure, properties, and residual stress of 304L stainless steel friction stir welds
Reynolds, A.P., Tang, W., Gnaupel-Herold, T., and Prask, H., Scripta Materialia 48, 1289–1294 (2003)
- Stresses in plasma-sprayed Cr2O3 coatings measured by neutron diffraction
Dubský, J., Prask, H.J., Matějíček, J., and Gnäupel-Herold, T., Appl Phys A 74, s1115–s1117 (2002)
- Residual stress in sprayed Ni+5%Al coatings determined by neutron diffraction
Matějíček, J., Sampath, S., Gnäupel-Herold, T., and Prask, H.J., Appl Phys A 74, s1692–s1694 (2002)
- Polycapillary focusing optic for small-sample neutron crystallography
Gibson, W.M., Schultz, A.J., Chen-Mayer, H.H., Mildner, D.F.R., Gnäupel-Herold, T., Miller, M.E., Prask, H.J., Vitt, R., Youngman, R., and Carpenter, J.M., J Appl Cryst, J Appl Crystallogr 35, 677–683 (2002)
- Stresses in plasma-sprayed Cr2O3 coatings measured by neutron diffraction
Dubský, J., Prask, H.J., Matějíček, J., and Gnäupel-Herold, T., Appl Phys A 74, s1115–s1117 (2002)
- A monolithic polycapillary focusing optic for polychromatic neutron diffraction applications
Mildner, D.F.R., Chen-Mayer, H.H., Gibson, W.M., Gnäupel-Herold, T., Miller, M.E., Prask, H.J., Schultz, A.J., Vitt, R., and Youngman, R., Review of Scientific Instruments 73, 1985–1993 (2002)
- Polycapillary optics based neutron focusing for small sample neutron crystallography.
Gibson, W.M., Chen-Mayer, H.H., Mildner, D.F.R., Prask, H.J., Schultz, A.J., Youngman, R., Gnaupel-Herold, T., Miller, M.E., and Vitt, R., Polycapillary optics based neutron focusing for small sample neutron crystallography. (Argonne National Lab., IL (US), 2002)
- Residual and Applied Stresses in Plasma Sprayed Cr2O3 Coatings
Dubský, J., Matějíček, J., Prask, H., and Gnäupel-Herold, T., Materials Science Forum (2002)
- Evaluation of Local and Global Elastic Properties of Textured Polycrystals by Means of FEM
Luzin, V., Gnäupel-Herold, T., and Prask, H., MSF 408-412, 407–412 (2002)
- Residual Stresses and Elastic Constants in Thermal Deposits
Gnäupel-Herold, T., Prask, H.J., and Biancaniello, F.S., in Recent Advances in Experimental Mechanics, (Springer, Dordrecht, 2002), pp. 507–514
- Residual and Applied Stresses in Plasma Sprayed Cr2O3 Coatings
Dubský, J., Matějíček, J., Prask, H., and Gnäupel-Herold, T., Materials Science Forum (2002)
- Small Lattice Mismatches in Highly Imperfect Single Crystals: A Probe into Phase Specific Strains and Stresses
Müller A., ., Gnäupel‐Herold Th., ., and Reimers W., ., Physica Status Solidi (a) 159, 375–396 (2001)
- Multiwafer focusing neutron monochromators and applications
Popovici, M., Stoica, A.D., Hubbard, C.R., Spooner, S., Prask, H.J., Gnaeupel-Herold, T.H., Gehring, P.M., and Erwin, R.W., in Neutron Optics, (International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2001), pp. 21–33
- Neutron and ultrasonic determination of residual stress in an aluminum ring-plug
Prask, H.J., Gnäupel-Herold, T., Clark, A.V., Hehman, C.S., and Nguyen, T.N., AIP Conference Proceedings 509, 1629–1636 (2000)
- Neutron and ultrasonic determination of residual stress in an aluminum ring-plug
Prask, H.J., Gnäupel-Herold, T., Clark, A.V., Hehman, C.S., and Nguyen, T.N., AIP Conference Proceedings 509, 1629–1636 (2000)
- Mechanical Properties of Plasma Sprayed Coatings - Measured by Diffraction
Gnäupel-Herold, T., in (Ostrava, Czech Republic, 2000), p. 8
- A comparison of neutron and ultrasonic determinations of residual stress
Gnäupel-Herold, T., Prask, H.J., Clark, A.V., Hehman, C.S., and Nguyen, T.N., Meas. Sci. Technol. 11, 436 (2000)
- Neutron diffraction investigation of residual stresses in transverse/oblique rail slices subjected to different grinding strategies
Gnaeupel-Herold, T., Brand, P.C., and Prask, H.J., Neutron diffraction investigation of residual stresses in transverse/oblique rail slices subjected to different grinding strategies (National Inst. of Standards and Technology, Center for Neutron Research, Gaithersburg, MD (United States); Maryland Univ., Dept. of Materials and Nuclear Engineering, College Park, MD (United States), 1999)
- Measurement of residual stress in plasma-sprayed metallic, ceramic and composite coatings
Kesler, O., Matejicek, J., Sampath, S., Suresh, S., Gnaeupel-Herold, T., Brand, P.C., and Prask, H.J., Materials Science and Engineering: A 257, 215–224 (1998)
- Calculation of Single-Crystal Elastic Constants for Cubic Crystal Symmetry from Powder Diffraction Data
Gnäupel-Herold, T., Brand, P.C., and Prask, H.J., J Appl Cryst, J Appl Crystallogr 31, 929–935 (1998)
- Residual stress measurements at the NIST reactor
Brand, P.C., Prask, H.J., and Gnaeupel-Herold, T., Physica B: Condensed Matter 241-243, 1244–1245 (1997)
- Stress states in the creep deformed single crystal nickelbase superalloy SC16
Gnaeupel-Herold, T. and Reimers, W., Scripta metallurgica et materialia 33, (1995)