Start Date | # Of Days | ID | Title | Participants | Institution Name | Equipment | Contact |
Thu 07/29/2010 10:00 | 4 | 15735 | Segmental Dynamics and Charge Transport in Hyperbranched Polyelectrolyte for Battery Applications | [1]Huagen Peng | [1]Kirt Page | [1]Christopher Soles |
| [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology |
| | Madhu Sudan Tyagi |
Mon 08/02/2010 10:00 | 1 | 16233 | Phonon densities of states of Picene C22H14 | [1]Wendy Queen | [2]Craig Brown |
| [1]University of Maryland at College Park | [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology |
| | Craig Brown |
Tue 08/03/2010 10:00 | 1 | 16234 | Magnetic Properties of canted antiferromagnet K2Fe2O(AsO4)2 | [1]Shiou-Jyh Hwu | [2]Wendy Queen | [2]Craig Brown | [1]Duminda Sanjeewa |
| [1]Clemson University | [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology |
| | Craig Brown |
Wed 08/04/2010 10:00 | 1 | 16241 | Magnetism of iron oxychalogenides | [1]John Evans | [1]D Free | [2]Christopher Stock | [3]Mark Green | [4]Efrain Rodriguez |
| [1]University of Durham | [2]Indiana University | [3]University of Maryland at College Park | [4]National Institute of Standards and Technology |
| | Craig Brown |
Thu 08/05/2010 10:00 | 6 | 15579 | Studying the Mechanism of Proton Conductivity in Nanostructured Block Copolymer/Ionic Liquid Membranes using Quasi-elastic Neutron Scattering on the DCS | [1]Rachel Segalman | [1]Megan Hoarfrost |
| [1]University of California, Berkeley |
| | Top Loading CCR; 5-600K - TLCCR-BT4FANS |
| Madhu Sudan Tyagi |
Wed 08/11/2010 10:00 | 5 | 15375 | Magnetic excitations in the geometric frustrated multiferroic CuCrO2 | [1]Georg Ehlers | [2]Matthias Frontzek | [1]Andrey Podlesnyak | [3]Sergei Barilo |
| [1]Oak Ridge National Laboratory | [2]Technischen Universität Dresden, Institut fur Festkorperphysik | [3]Institute of Solid State and Semiconductor Physics, BAS |
| | Cryostat, 70mm ILL orange cryostat; 1.5-300K - OC-03 |
| Yiming Qiu |
Mon 08/16/2010 10:00 | 3 | 15653 | Magnetic fluctuations in the frustrated Sr3HoCrO7 triangular magnet | | [1]Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
| | Yiming Qiu |
Thu 08/19/2010 10:00 | 1 | 15458 | Determining S(alpha,beta) scattering kernel for polycarbonate | | [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology |
| | John Copley |
Fri 08/20/2010 10:00 | 3 | 16249 | Investigation of the dynamics of protic ionic salts | [1]Jason Simmons | [1]Timothy Jenkins |
| [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology |
| | TLCCR - DCS specific - TLCCR-DCS |
| Timothy Jenkins |
Mon 08/23/2010 10:00 | 1 | 15406 | Study of the spin ground states of pyrochlore Er2Sn2O7 | [1]Haidong Zhou | [1]Christopher Wiebe |
| [1]Florida State University |
| | Yiming Qiu |
Tue 08/24/2010 10:00 | 1 | 15557 | Spin dynamics of an orbitally ordered S=1/2 Mott insulator | [1]Jason Gardner | [2]Haidong Zhou | [2]Christopher Wiebe |
| [1]Indiana University | [2]Florida State University |
| | Cryostat, 70mm ILL orange cryostat; 1.5-300K - OC-03 |
| Yiming Qiu |
Wed 08/25/2010 10:00 | 2 | 16685 | neutron scattering study of Bi1-xYxFeO3 | [1]Yiming Qiu | [2]Xiaojia Chen |
| [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology | [2]Carnegie Institution of Washington |
| | Cryostat, 70mm ILL orange cryostat; 1.5-300K - OC-03 |
| Yiming Qiu |
Fri 08/27/2010 10:00 | 3 | 15830 | Inelastic Neutron Scattering Experiment of a Sodalite-Type Metal-Organic Framework, Fe-BTT, using the Disk Chopper Spectrometer | [1]Kenji Sumida | [2]Wendy Queen | [3]Craig Brown | [1]Jefferey Long |
| [1]University of California, Berkeley | [2]University of Maryland at College Park | [3]National Institute of Standards and Technology |
| | Top Loading CCR; 5-600K - TLCCR-BT4FANS |
| Craig Brown |
Mon 08/30/2010 10:00 | 1 | 16255 | Magnetic Properties of canted antiferromagnet K2Fe2O(AsO4)2 | [1]Wendy Queen | [1]Craig Brown | [2]Duminda Sanjeewa | [2]Shiou-Jyh Hwu |
| [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology | [2]Clemson University |
| | Craig Brown |
Tue 08/31/2010 10:00 | 3 | 15706 | DCS Measurements to Determine Long-Range Diffusion Dynamics of NaAlH4 in Nanoconfined Systems | [1]Tabbetha Dobbins | [1]Shathabish Narase Gowda |
| [1]Louisiana Tech Univerisity |
| | Craig Brown |
Fri 09/03/2010 10:00 | 1 | 16250 | Magnetism of iron oxychalogenides | [1]Efrain Rodriguez | [2]John Evans | [2]D Free | [3]Christopher Stock | [4]Mark Green |
| [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology | [2]University of Durham | [3]Indiana University | [4]University of Maryland at College Park |
| | Craig Brown |
Sat 09/04/2010 00:00 | 2 | | Source shutdown | | | | |
Mon 09/06/2010 10:00 | 1 | 16250 | Magnetism of iron oxychalogenides | [1]Efrain Rodriguez | [2]John Evans | [2]D Free | [3]Christopher Stock | [4]Mark Green |
| [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology | [2]University of Durham | [3]Indiana University | [4]University of Maryland at College Park |
| | Craig Brown |