Date | Days | ID | Title | Participants | Affiliation | Equip | Contact |
Fri Nov 29 2002 | 5 | 2984 | 2-dimensional excitations of helium-4 in SBA-15 | Sokol and Pearce | Penn State U. | Dilution refrigerator | Copley |
Wed Dec 4 2002 | 8 | 3480;3482 | Influence of solvents on the energy landscape of a protein; Dynamic heterogeneity in a protein | Sokolov and Caliskan Gregory Cicerone and Soles |
U. Akron Kent State U. NIST |
25-400K CCR | Peral |
Thu Dec 12 2002 | 3 | 3808 | Studies of the diffuse scattering in Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 | Gehring Shirane |
NCNR Brookhaven |
ambient | Copley |
Sun Dec 15 2002 | 5 | 3121(B) | Strongly fluctuating magnets | Broholm, Kenzelmann, Reich and Gasparovic Zaliznyak DiTusa |
Johns Hopkins U. Brookhaven Louisiana State U. |
12T cryomagnet | Qiu |
Fri Dec 20 2002 | 20 | - | NO NEUTRONS | - | - | - | - |