import os import time import numpy import sys from os.path import basename #from pylab import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.widgets import Slider, RadioButtons, Button # This python program will plot the temperature or (if available) the # H-filed dependence of each data point in a BT-1 file. # It is appropriate ONLY for those times when sitting on # a particular Bragg peak and scanning T or H. # # The chosen detector (via the slider) dependence against T or H (if a BH1 file is # available) is plotted. Data can be saved as det#.dat with the save button. # # Warning - If there is random lines on the plot- you do not have the right type of # measurement to make this plotting program useful # # Craig M Brown 10/1/2015 # NIST Center for Neutron Research f = sys.argv[1] file = open(f) detectors = [] columns = [] monitors = [] # read data for i in range(0,18): # skip headers we dont care about those for this line = file.readline().strip() i +=1 # Get column names from # $ M4= 11.000 T= 250.770 C= 0.81 N= 0 column_names = [s.split()[-1] for s in line.split('=')[:-1]] column_number = dict((c,i) for i,c in enumerate(column_names)) while '=' in line: fields = [s.split()[0] for s in line.split('=')[1:]] #print fields columns.append([float(s) for s in fields]) #print columns line = file.readline() if line.startswith('$'): monitors.append([int(s) for s in line[1:].split()]) line = file.readline() parts = [] while line.startswith(' '): parts.append(line) line = file.readline() joined_line = "".join(s.strip() for s in parts) if joined_line.endswith(','): joined_line = joined_line[:-1] detectors.append([int(s) for s in joined_line.split(',')]) counts = numpy.array(detectors) monitors = numpy.array(monitors) columns = numpy.array(columns) detectors = numpy.array(detectors) Data_points = len(columns) num_dets = len(detectors[0]) # extract a column for detectors angles, temperatures depending on the run type: if column_names[0] == 'M4': angles = columns[:,0] elif column_names[0] == 'T': temps = columns[:,0] if column_names[1] == 'T': temps = columns[:,1] #Is there a field file? basen = os.path.splitext(f)[0] Hfile = basen+".bH1" try: fileH = open(Hfile) Hfile = 1 Hfield =[] print "we have a H file" except: Hfile = 0 print "we dont have a H file" if Hfile == 1: for i in range(0,3): # skip headers we dont care about those for this line = fileH.readline().strip() while line != '' and ord(line[0]) != 0: try: line = fileH.readline().strip() Hfield.append(line.split()[1]) except: pass # assume what to plot. # always a detector ct, and T or H. det=0 d0 = 1 #fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.25) lx, = plt.plot(temps, detectors[:,d0-1], linewidth=2, color='r') plt.ylabel('Counts') plt.xlabel('Temperature') plt.grid(True) #ax.autoscale_view() axes = plt.gca() #plt.title('Detector Number :{0}'.format(det)) axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' if Hfile: rax = plt.axes([0.67, 0.05, 0.15, 0.1], axisbg=axcolor) radio = RadioButtons(rax, ('Temp', 'H Field')) bx = plt.axes([0.84, 0.05, 0.1, 0.1], axisbg=axcolor) button = Button (bx, 'save',color=axcolor) axhte = plt.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.55, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor) detno = Slider(axhte, '', 1, 32, valinit=d0) detno.valtext.set_visible(False) def update(val): global det det = detno.val det=int(det) dd=detectors[:,det-1] lx.set_ydata(dd) axes.set_ylim(min(dd), max(dd)) plt.title('') plt.title('Detector Number :{0}'.format(det)) fig.canvas.draw_idle() def swap_X(label): global temps global lx global Hfield global plt if label == 'Temp': lx.set_xdata(temps) axes.set_xlim(min(temps), max(temps)) #plt.xlabel('Temperature') axes.set_xlabel('Temperature') fig.canvas.draw_idle() else: lx.set_xdata(Hfield) axes.set_xlim(float(min(Hfield)),float(max(Hfield))) #plt.xlabel('Field') axes.set_xlabel('H Field') fig.canvas.draw_idle() def saveme(event): global det print "Saving the current data to "+str(det)+".dat" x = lx.get_data()[0] y = lx.get_data()[1] fileout = str(det)+".dat" file = open(fileout, "w") for index in range(len(x)): file.write(str(x[index]) + " " + str(y[index]) + "\n") file.close() detno.on_changed(update) if Hfile: radio.on_clicked(swap_X) button.on_clicked(saveme)