![]() College Park, Maryland June 6 - 10 , 2004 |
TP29: Development of neutron reflectometer at HANARO
J.S. Lee, C.H. Lee, B.S. Seong, C.M. Shim, G.P. Hong, B.H. Choi, Y.H. Choi, S.J. Cho, E.J. Shin, Y.J. Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Yuseong P.O. Box 105, Daejeon, 305-600, Korea)
The neutron reflectometer was developed on ST3 horizontal beam port in HANARO, 30 MW research reactor. According to the characteristics of neutron source, constant wavelength methods using 0.245 nm with PG monochromator, β = 0.4°, and vertical sample geometry were taken. The dimension of the instrument is 5.4 m for neutron source-monochromator, 3.0 m for monochromator-sample and 1.6 m for sample-detector. The distance between two slits to define width of incident beam to sample position is 2.4 m. In order to reduce the contamination of neutron reflection pattern due to the second order reflection of PG monochromator, PG filter with β = 3.5° was taken. By the gold wire activation method, neutron flux at monochromator and sample position was measured to 4.5x109, 4.4x106 n/cm2/sec. After the installation of the instrument, the characteristics of transmitted neutron beam through the slits were evaluated with neutron camera. And also, by measuring neutron reflectivity curve for the typical samples like glass and Si, instrument capacity such as minimum reflectivity, Q range and instrumental resolution was evaluated. A vacuum furnace and polarizing accessories will be developed to enhance the instrument performance.
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