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Instrument Schedule For CHRNS -- Ultra-Small Angle Neutron Scattering (uSANS)

From 08/01/2018

Start Date# Of DaysIDTitleParticipantsInstitution NameEquipmentContact
Fri 08/10/2018 10:00324433Ultra small angle neutron scattering for the investigation of radiation-induced hydrogels
  • [1]Zois Tsinas
  • [1]Najlaa Hassan
  • [1]Eaman Karim
  • [2]Joseph Robertson
  • [1]Mohamad Al-Sheikhly
  • [2]Dianne Poster
  • [1]The Univ. of Maryland
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Markus Bleuel
    Mon 08/13/2018 10:00424441Understanding the structural morphology of phase-separated polymer blend films for structural color applications
  • [1]Asritha Nallapaneni
  • [2]Markus Bleuel
  • [3]Alamgir Karim
  • [4]Sushil Satija
  • [1]The University of Akron
  • [2]University of Maryland at College Park
  • [3]University of Akron
  • [4]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Fri 08/17/2018 10:00324972Ceria Particle Interactions with PMMA in Water
  • [1]Kathleen Weigandt
  • [2]Cameron Shelton
  • [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • [2]University of Delaware - Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  • 4R 4 Position Rotating Sample Ambient - 4PRSA-01
    Kathleen Weigandt
    Mon 08/20/2018 10:00224516Combined SANS/USANS characterization of Pickering emulsions stabilized by dual-responsive, block-arm star polymers
  • [1]John Riley
  • [2]Yun-Ru Huang
  • [2]Robert Tilton
  • [1]Paul Butler
  • [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • [2]Carnegie Mellon University
  • 4R 4 Position Rotating Sample Ambient - 4PRSA-01
    Paul Butler
    Wed 08/22/2018 10:00223608Correlation between magnetic fields and detector geometry
  • [1]Man-Ho Kim
  • [2]John Barker
  • [1]Korea Institue of Science & Technology
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  •  John Barker
    Fri 08/24/2018 10:00124313Microstructure change of asphalt binders caused by fatigue damage
  • [1]Norman Wagner
  • [1]Liyan Shan
  • [1]University of Delaware
  •  Yun Liu
    Wed 09/05/2018 10:00224583USANS Study on Glucan Aggregates
  • [1]Juan Londono
  • [1]DuPont Central Research and Development
  • 4R 4 Position Rotating Sample Ambient - 4PRSA-01
    Yimin Mao
    Fri 09/07/2018 10:00324973Quantifying porosity in shale
  • [1]Xin Gu
  • [1]Pennsylvania State University
  •  Susana Teixeira
    Mon 09/10/2018 10:00424378USANS measurements of highly porous solids processed from hybrid nanoparticle fluids
  • [1]Ryan Murphy
  • [2]Kathleen Weigandt
  • [1]Yun Liu
  • [1]University of Delaware
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Yun Liu
    Fri 09/14/2018 10:00724608How is porosity of coal and shale affected by ex-situ measurements – A neutron study
  • [1]Tomasz Blach
  • [1]Queensland University of Technology
    Susana Teixeira
    Fri 09/21/2018 10:00624274Particle Aggregation and Ostwald Ripening in Hanford Waste Slurries - USANS
  • [1]Lawrence Anovitz
  • [2]Jaehun Chun
  • [3]Andrew Stack
  • [1]University of Tennessee
  • [2]Battelle-Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • [3]Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    David Mildner
    Thu 10/11/2018 10:00125604Feasibility looking for large structures in gelatin with glycerol
  • [1]Kanae Ito
  • [2]Markus Bleuel
  • [1]Boston University
  • [2]University of Maryland at College Park
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Markus Bleuel
    Fri 10/12/2018 10:00325222Lithologic Control on Weathering Processes in the East River Valley, Gothic, CO, USA
  • [1]Rania Pommer
  • [1]Alexis Sitchler
  • [1]Colorado School of Mines
  •  Yun Liu
    Mon 10/15/2018 10:00125313Investigation of the porosity in ALD Titania at Mitigating Glass Disease via ultra-Small Angle Neutron Scattering
  • [1]Miriam Hiebert
  • [1]Raymond Phaneuf
  • [2]Jamie Weaver
  • [1]University of Maryland College Park
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Tue 10/16/2018 10:00325498Characterization of Metakaolin Geopolymers and NASH Gels
  • [1]Jennifer Mills
  • [1]Julie Hipp
  • [1]Norman Wagner
  • [1]University of Delaware
  •  Paul Butler
    Fri 10/19/2018 10:00525225USANS studies of the Cryptococcal polysaccharide antigen structure
  • [1]Susana Teixeira
  • [2]Radames Cordero
  • [2]Arturo Casadevall
  • [2]Raghav Vij
  • [1]University of Delaware - Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  • [2]Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  •  Susana Teixeira
    Wed 10/24/2018 10:00224378USANS measurements of highly porous solids processed from hybrid nanoparticle fluids
  • [1]Ryan Murphy
  • [2]Kathleen Weigandt
  • [1]Yun Liu
  • [1]University of Delaware
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Yun Liu
    Mon 10/29/2018 10:00325549Rheo-USANS of KetjenBlack suspensions
  • [1]Norman Wagner
  • [1]Julie Hipp
  • [1]University of Delaware
  • Rheometer 301 - R-01
    Kathleen Weigandt
    Thu 11/01/2018 10:00825383Hanford Irradiated Boehmite-USANS
  • [1]Patricia Huestis
  • [2]Lawrence Anovitz
  • [1]University of Notre Dame
  • [2]Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  •  Grethe Jensen
    Fri 11/09/2018 10:00325591Structure of ZnCl LiCl electrolytes at low temperatures
  • [1]Joseph Dura
  • [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • CCR; 10-400K - CCR-22
    Markus Bleuel
    Thu 11/15/2018 10:00525131Comparison of Texture and Microstructure in Commercial Cheeses
  • [1]Nukhalu Callaghan-Patrachar
  • [2]David Pink
  • [2]Carl Adams
  • [1]University of Guelph
  • [2]Saint Francis Xavier University
  •  John Barker
    Tue 11/20/2018 10:00125217Using USANS to quantify hydrophilic and hydrophobic pore networks of Mancos shale
  • [1]Yuxiang Zhang
  • [1]Qinhong Hu
  • [2]Markus Bleuel
  • [1]University of Texas at Arlington
  • [2]University of Maryland at College Park
  • 5P 5 Position Ambient Sample Changer - 5PASC-01
    Markus Bleuel
    Thu 12/06/2018 10:00625114Understanding Self-Assembly of Mixtures of Melanin-Silica Particles and its Consequences on Structural Colors
  • [1]Sunil Sinha
  • [2]Saranshu Singla
  • [2]Anvay Patil
  • [3]Rupak Bhattacharya
  • [2]Ali Dhinojwala
  • [1]University of California, San Diego
  • [2]University of Akron
  • [3]University of California San Diego
    Markus Bleuel
    Wed 12/12/2018 10:00125313Investigation of the porosity in ALD Titania at Mitigating Glass Disease via ultra-Small Angle Neutron Scattering
  • [1]Miriam Hiebert
  • [1]Raymond Phaneuf
  • [2]Jamie Weaver
  • [1]University of Maryland College Park
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Thu 12/13/2018 10:00125639USANS Studies of lipid/nucleic acid complexes
  • [1]Maria Castellanos Mantilla
  • [2]Susan Krueger
  • [1]GlaxoSmithKline
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  •  Susana Teixeira
    Fri 12/14/2018 10:00325420 SANS Validation of Grating Neutron interferometry Imaging of Fatigued Additive Manufacturing
  • [1]Leslie Butler
  • [1]Louisiana State University
  •  John Barker
    Mon 12/17/2018 10:00425241Magnetic Nanoparticle magnetic and interaction behaviors under influence of hi-freq e-field (uSANS)
  • [1]Markus Bleuel
  • [2]Kathryn Krycka
  • [3]Hayden Carlton
  • [3]David Huitink
  • [1]University of Maryland at College Park
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • [3]University of Arkansas
    Kathryn Krycka
    Tue 02/05/2019 10:00113529SANS Instrument Calibration and Testing
  • [1]Jeffrey Krzywon
  • [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Wed 02/06/2019 10:00125440Tests on interferrometer crystals
  • [1]Markus Bleuel
  • [2]Dmitry Pushin
  • [1]University of Maryland at College Park
  • [2]Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Thu 02/07/2019 10:00125346Role of Nanoparticle Surface Chemistry on the Nanostructure of Ionomer Nanocomposite Membranes
  • [1]Ronald Jones
  • [2]Allison Jansto
  • [2]Eric Davis
  • [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • [2]Clemson University
  •  Ronald Jones
    Fri 02/08/2019 10:00425674Structure investigation of bigel at different temperatures
  • [1]Yun Liu
  • [2]Yuyin Xi
  • [1]University of Delaware
  • [2]University of Washington
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Yun Liu
    Tue 02/12/2019 10:00225440Tests on interferrometer crystals
  • [1]Markus Bleuel
  • [2]Dmitry Pushin
  • [1]University of Maryland at College Park
  • [2]Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Thu 02/14/2019 10:00625033Investigating the Interactions of In-Situ Synthesized Dendrimer Particles and Polyvinylidene Fluoride in Membrane Casting Solutions
  • [1]Joey Kim
  • [1]Rachel Ford
  • [1]Mamadou S. Diallo
  • [1]Orland Bateman
  • [1]Julia Kornfield
  • [1]California Institute of Technology
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Paul Butler
    Wed 02/20/2019 05:002 Reactor Shutdown    
    Fri 02/22/2019 10:00125313Investigation of the porosity in ALD Titania at Mitigating Glass Disease via ultra-Small Angle Neutron Scattering
  • [1]Miriam Hiebert
  • [1]Raymond Phaneuf
  • [2]Jamie Weaver
  • [1]University of Maryland College Park
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Sat 02/23/2019 10:00224119Structural and rheological responses in mixed suspensions of silica colloids and oppositely charged polyelectrolytes
  • [1]Guangcui Yuan
  • [1]NIST Center for Neutron Research
  • Rheometer 301 - R-01
  • 4R 4 Position Rotating Sample Ambient - 4PRSA-01
    Markus Bleuel
    Mon 02/25/2019 07:302 Reactor Shutdown    
    Wed 02/27/2019 10:00124119Structural and rheological responses in mixed suspensions of silica colloids and oppositely charged polyelectrolytes
  • [1]Guangcui Yuan
  • [1]NIST Center for Neutron Research
  • Rheometer 301 - R-01
  • 4R 4 Position Rotating Sample Ambient - 4PRSA-01
    Markus Bleuel
    Thu 02/28/2019 10:00125674Structure investigation of bigel at different temperatures
  • [1]Yun Liu
  • [2]Yuyin Xi
  • [1]University of Delaware
  • [2]University of Washington
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Yun Liu
    Fri 03/01/2019 10:00225286The effect of deformation type on the paranematic transition in colloidal rods
  • [1]Patrick Corona
  • [1]L. Gary Leal
  • [2]Matthew Helgeson
  • [1]University of California Santa Barbara
  • [2]University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Syringe Pump - SP-01
    Kathleen Weigandt
    Thu 03/14/2019 10:00625744SANS/USANS studies on the structural hierarchy of the C. neoformans cell
  • [1]Raghav Vij
  • [2]Susana Teixeira
  • [1]Radames Cordero-Gonzalez
  • [1]Camilla Strother
  • [1]Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • [2]University of Delaware - Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  •  Susana Teixeira
    Wed 03/20/2019 10:00125286The effect of deformation type on the paranematic transition in colloidal rods
  • [1]Patrick Corona
  • [1]L. Gary Leal
  • [2]Matthew Helgeson
  • [1]University of California Santa Barbara
  • [2]University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Syringe Pump - SP-01
    Kathleen Weigandt
    Thu 03/21/2019 10:00121308USANS Feasibility Studies
  • [1]Markus Bleuel
  • [1]University of Maryland at College Park
  •  John Barker
    Fri 03/22/2019 10:00125848Test of Polymer fibres
  • [1]Markus Bleuel
  • [2]Man-Ho Kim
  • [1]University of Maryland at College Park
  • [2]Korea Institue of Science & Technology
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Sat 03/23/2019 10:00125791Lipid dynamics and bending elasticity of human red blood cell membranes
  • [1]Maikel Rheinstadter
  • [1]Quinn Pauli
  • [1]Sebastian Himbert
  • [1]McMaster University
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Sun 03/24/2019 10:00125865Controlled drug release from surgical membrane
  • [1]Guangcui Yuan
  • [1]NIST Center for Neutron Research
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Markus Bleuel
    Mon 03/25/2019 10:00125674Structure investigation of bigel at different temperatures
  • [1]Yun Liu
  • [2]Yuyin Xi
  • [1]University of Delaware
  • [2]University of Washington
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Yun Liu
    Tue 03/26/2019 10:00325217Using USANS to quantify hydrophilic and hydrophobic pore networks of Mancos shale
  • [1]Yuxiang Zhang
  • [1]Qinhong Hu
  • [2]Markus Bleuel
  • [1]University of Texas at Arlington
  • [2]University of Maryland at College Park
  • 5P 5 Position Ambient Sample Changer - 5PASC-01
    Markus Bleuel
    Fri 03/29/2019 10:00425820USANS Studies of lipid/nucleic acid complexes
  • [1]Maria Castellanos Mantilla
  • [2]Susan Krueger
  • [3]Thomas Kauffman
  • [1]GlaxoSmithKline
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • [3]GSK Vaccines
  •  Susana Teixeira
    Tue 04/02/2019 10:00125217Using USANS to quantify hydrophilic and hydrophobic pore networks of Mancos shale
  • [1]Yuxiang Zhang
  • [1]Qinhong Hu
  • [2]Markus Bleuel
  • [1]University of Texas at Arlington
  • [2]University of Maryland at College Park
  • 5P 5 Position Ambient Sample Changer - 5PASC-01
    Markus Bleuel
    Wed 04/03/2019 10:00125436Carbon Black Suspensions under Sonication
  • [1]Markus Bleuel
  • [2]Norman Wagner
  • [2]Julie Hipp
  • [1]University of Maryland at College Park
  • [2]University of Delaware
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Thu 04/04/2019 10:00125865Controlled drug release from surgical membrane
  • [1]Guangcui Yuan
  • [1]NIST Center for Neutron Research
  • 10 Position Sample Stage, -10 to 100C - 10CB-01
    Ronald Jones
    Fri 04/05/2019 10:00125674Structure investigation of bigel at different temperatures
  • [1]Yun Liu
  • [2]Yuyin Xi
  • [1]University of Delaware
  • [2]University of Washington
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Yun Liu
    Sat 04/06/2019 10:00225848Test of Polymer fibres
  • [1]Markus Bleuel
  • [2]Man-Ho Kim
  • [1]University of Maryland at College Park
  • [2]Korea Institue of Science & Technology
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Mon 04/08/2019 10:00224441Understanding the structural morphology of phase-separated polymer blend films for structural color applications
  • [1]Asritha Nallapaneni
  • [2]Markus Bleuel
  • [3]Alamgir Karim
  • [4]Sushil Satija
  • [1]The University of Akron
  • [2]University of Maryland at College Park
  • [3]University of Akron
  • [4]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Wed 04/10/2019 10:00325375Detecting tectonic deformation of shale by small angle neutron scattering
  • [1]Susan Brantley
  • [2]David Mildner
  • [1]Xin Gu
  • [1]Pennsylvania State University
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • 4R 4 Position Rotating Sample Ambient - 4PRSA-01
    Susana Teixeira
    Fri 04/12/2019 17:003 Site Wide Outage    
    Mon 04/15/2019 10:001025349Evolution of Porosity During Experimental Serpentinization - USANS
  • [1]James Beard
  • [2]Lawrence Anovitz
  • [3]Michael Cheshire
  • [1]Virginia Museum of natural history
  • [2]University of Tennessee
  • [3]Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Thu 05/23/2019 10:00225900Characterization of shape and size of crystallization-driven self-assembled structures of diblock copolymers
  • [1]Avanish Bharati
  • [2]Steven Hudson
  • [2]Kathleen Weigandt
  • [1]University of Delaware
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  •  Kathleen Weigandt
    Sat 05/25/2019 10:00325865Controlled drug release from surgical membrane
  • [1]Guangcui Yuan
  • [1]NIST Center for Neutron Research
  • 10 Position Sample Stage, -10 to 100C - 10CB-01
    Ronald Jones
    Tue 05/28/2019 10:00125313Investigation of the porosity in ALD Titania at Mitigating Glass Disease via ultra-Small Angle Neutron Scattering
  • [1]Miriam Hiebert
  • [1]Raymond Phaneuf
  • [2]Jamie Weaver
  • [1]University of Maryland College Park
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Wed 05/29/2019 10:00526568Studying microstructure of fumed nanoparticles dispersed in nematic liquid crystals and isotropic medium
  • [1]Saket Kumar
  • [1]Julie Hipp
  • [1]Norman Wagner
  • [1]University of Delaware
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Yun Liu
    Mon 06/03/2019 10:00326562TOYOTA
  • [1]Ronald Jones
  • [1]Kathleen Weigandt
  • [2]Masashi Harada
  • [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • [2]Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories, Inc.
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
  • 4R 4 Position Rotating Sample Ambient - 4PRSA-01
    Kathleen Weigandt
    Thu 06/06/2019 10:00425289Characterization of Porosity in PBX 9502 and TATB as a Function of Thermal Damage by USANS and SANS
  • [1]Joseph Mang
  • [2]Chris Armstrong
  • [1]Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • [2]Los Alamos National Laboratory - M6
  •  John Barker
    Mon 06/10/2019 10:00526562TOYOTA
  • [1]Ronald Jones
  • [1]Kathleen Weigandt
  • [2]Masashi Harada
  • [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • [2]Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories, Inc.
  • 4R 4 Position Rotating Sample Ambient - 4PRSA-01
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Kathleen Weigandt
    Sat 06/15/2019 10:00625206Characterization of Organic and Inorganic Shale Nanopores and Their Interactions with Water Under Themomechanical Stresses by SANS and USANS
  • [1]Erik Watkins
  • [1]Marilyn Hawley
  • [1]Chelsea Neil
  • [1]Hongwu Xu
  • [1]Rex Hjelm Jr.
  • [1]Los Alamos National Laboratory
  •  Yimin Mao
    Fri 06/21/2019 10:00625186Probing Shale Nanopore Structures and Their Interactions with Methane: A High P-T SANS/USANS Study
  • [1]Erik Watkins
  • [1]Rex Hjelm Jr.
  • [1]Hongwu Xu
  • [1]Chelsea Neil
  • [1]Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Gas Loading Cart; 0-300bar - GLC-03
    Yimin Mao
    Thu 06/27/2019 10:00325107 Investigating Shale Nanopore Structures Using Contrast-Matching Small-Angle and Ultra-Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
  • [1]Hongwu Xu
  • [1]Chelsea Neil
  • [1]Rex Hjelm Jr.
  • [1]Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • 5P 5 Position Ambient Sample Changer - 5PASC-01
    Yimin Mao
    Thu 07/18/2019 10:00326584SURF Project: Characterizing the shape and size of crystallization-driven self-assembled structures of diblock copolymers with various lengths
  • [1]Avanish Bharati
  • [2]Steven Hudson
  • [2]Kathleen Weigandt
  • [1]University of Delaware
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  •  Kathleen Weigandt
    Sun 07/21/2019 10:00226518Mechanism of drug release from fibrous membrane for post-operative chemotherapy
  • [2]Charles Han
  • [3]Guangcui Yuan
  • [1]Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • [2]The Univ. of Maryland
  • [3]NIST Center for Neutron Research
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Guangcui Yuan
    Tue 07/23/2019 10:00121308USANS Feasibility Studies
  • [1]Markus Bleuel
  • [1]University of Maryland at College Park
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Wed 07/24/2019 10:00526296Structure of novel nanoparticle-reinforced rubber
  • [1]John Meyerhofer
  • [2]Mark Foster
  • [1]The University of Akron
  • [2]University of Akron
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Susana Teixeira
    Mon 07/29/2019 10:00226518Mechanism of drug release from fibrous membrane for post-operative chemotherapy
  • [2]Charles Han
  • [3]Guangcui Yuan
  • [1]Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • [2]The Univ. of Maryland
  • [3]NIST Center for Neutron Research
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Guangcui Yuan
    Wed 07/31/2019 10:00226562TOYOTA
  • [1]Ronald Jones
  • [1]Kathleen Weigandt
  • [2]Masashi Harada
  • [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • [2]Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories, Inc.
  • 4R 4 Position Rotating Sample Ambient - 4PRSA-01
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Kathleen Weigandt
    Fri 08/02/2019 10:001025293Shear-Induced Aggregation of Hanford Waste Slurries at High Salt Contents - USANS
  • [1]Lawrence Anovitz
  • [2]Kathleen Weigandt
  • [3]Jaehun Chun
  • [4]Andrew Stack
  • [5]Javen Weston
  • [1]University of Tennessee
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • [3]Battelle-Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • [4]Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • [5]University of Oklahoma
  • Rheometer 301 - R-01
    Kathleen Weigandt
    Mon 08/12/2019 10:00126518Mechanism of drug release from fibrous membrane for post-operative chemotherapy
  • [2]Charles Han
  • [3]Guangcui Yuan
  • [1]Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • [2]The Univ. of Maryland
  • [3]NIST Center for Neutron Research
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Guangcui Yuan
    Tue 08/13/2019 10:00426115SANS and USANS investigation of the structures of solvent segregation driven gel (SeedGel) assembled with various nanoparticles
  • [1]Yuyin Xi
  • [2]Yun Liu
  • [1]University of Delaware
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Yun Liu
    Sat 08/17/2019 10:00126694Investigating complexation between polyvinyl alcohol and UV-absorber-included cyclodextrin
  • [1]Yimin Mao
  • [1]University of Maryland at College Park
  • 9 Position Peltier Sample Stage, -40 to 140C - 9PPSS-01
    Yimin Mao
    Sun 08/18/2019 10:00126001Structure-Function Relationship of Conjugated and Non-Conjugated Polymer Blends Using Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
  • [1]Caitlyn Wolf
  • [1]Lilo Pozzo
  • [1]University of Washington
  • 7 Position Sample Stage, 25-250 ± 0.5 C - 7PSS-01
    Yimin Mao
    Mon 08/19/2019 10:00626001Structure-Function Relationship of Conjugated and Non-Conjugated Polymer Blends Using Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
  • [1]Caitlyn Wolf
  • [1]Lilo Pozzo
  • [1]University of Washington
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    John Barker
    Sun 08/25/2019 10:00126518Mechanism of drug release from fibrous membrane for post-operative chemotherapy
  • [2]Charles Han
  • [3]Guangcui Yuan
  • [1]Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • [2]The Univ. of Maryland
  • [3]NIST Center for Neutron Research
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Paul Butler
    Thu 09/12/2019 10:00426313Elucidating Ligand-Driven Phase Separations in Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticle Blends Using USANS
  • [1]Wenjie Wu
  • [2]Alamgir Karim
  • [1]University of Houston
  • [2]University of Akron
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Mon 09/16/2019 10:00226689USANS of N-A-S-H Gel Formation
  • [1]Jennifer Mills
  • [1]Norman Wagner
  • [1]Julie Hipp
  • [1]University of Delaware
  • 4R 4 Position Rotating Sample Ambient - 4PRSA-01
    Paul Butler
    Wed 09/18/2019 10:00226867Preliminary USANS Measurements on HASE Solutions
  • [1]Alan Nakatani
  • [2]Kathleen Weigandt
  • [1]The Dow Chemical Company
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Kathleen Weigandt
    Fri 09/20/2019 10:00326115SANS and USANS investigation of the structures of solvent segregation driven gel (SeedGel) assembled with various nanoparticles
  • [1]Yuyin Xi
  • [2]Yun Liu
  • [1]University of Delaware
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Yun Liu
    Mon 09/23/2019 10:00426356Two-Dimensional Neutron Scattering Tomography
  • [1]Benjamin Heacock
  • [2]Connor Kapahi
  • [3]Michael Huber
  • [2]Dusan Sarenac
  • [2]Dmitry Pushin
  • [1]North Carolina State University
  • [2]University of Waterloo
  • [3]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • 4R 4 Position Rotating Sample Ambient - 4PRSA-01
    Markus Bleuel
    Fri 09/27/2019 10:00126742Room Temperature Skyrmion Materials
  • [1]Melissa Henderson
  • [2]Michael Huber
  • [1]Dmitry Pushin
  • [1]Connor Kapahi
  • [1]University of Waterloo
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • CCR; 30-600K - CCR-09
  • CCR; 15-750K - CCR-07
  • CCR; 10-400K - CCR-22
    Markus Bleuel
    Sat 09/28/2019 10:00225434USANS Measurements of Stainless Steel
  • [1]Markus Bleuel
  • [2]Adam Creuziger
  • [1]University of Maryland at College Park
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Mon 09/30/2019 10:00426505Structure of PAN-based carbon fibers in multiscale using ultra-small (USANS) and small angle neutron scattering
  • [1]Dawon Jang
  • [1]Man-Ho Kim
  • [2]Markus Bleuel
  • [3]Lee Sungho
  • [1]Korea Institue of Science & Technology
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • [3]Korea Institute of Science and Technology
  •  John Barker
    Fri 10/04/2019 10:00426759Solution structure of cellulose
  • [1]Hao Wang
  • [2]Yimin Mao
  • [1]University of Maryland, College Park
  • [2]University of Maryland at College Park
  • 10 Position Sample Stage, -10 to 100C - 10CB-01
    Markus Bleuel
    Tue 10/08/2019 10:00226115SANS and USANS investigation of the structures of solvent segregation driven gel (SeedGel) assembled with various nanoparticles
  • [1]Yuyin Xi
  • [2]Yun Liu
  • [1]University of Delaware
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Yun Liu
    Thu 10/10/2019 10:00121308USANS Feasibility Studies
  • [1]Markus Bleuel
  • [1]University of Maryland at College Park
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Fri 10/11/2019 10:00525364Porosity changes during granite weathering by dissolution and (re)precipitation
  • [1]Lawrence Anovitz
  • [1]Michael Cheshire
  • [1]Juliane Weber
  • [1]Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Wed 10/16/2019 10:00426167Silicified Komatiites: A unique biogeochemical window into early Earth hydrothermal processes
  • [1]William Seyfried
  • [2]Simone Pujatti
  • [2]Benjamin Tutolo
  • [1]University of Minnesota
  • [2]University of Calgary
  •  Paul Butler
    Thu 11/07/2019 10:00125364Porosity changes during granite weathering by dissolution and (re)precipitation
  • [1]Lawrence Anovitz
  • [1]Michael Cheshire
  • [1]Juliane Weber
  • [1]Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Fri 11/08/2019 10:00426759Solution structure of cellulose
  • [1]Hao Wang
  • [2]Yimin Mao
  • [1]University of Maryland, College Park
  • [2]University of Maryland at College Park
  • 9 Position Peltier Sample Stage, -40 to 140C - 9PPSS-01
    Paul Butler
    Tue 11/12/2019 10:00126849Feasibility test for Protein Aggregates
  • [1]Amy Xu
  • [1]University of Maryland at College Park
  • 4R 4 Position Rotating Sample Ambient - 4PRSA-01
    Susana Teixeira
    Wed 11/13/2019 10:00227000Feasibility tests of bentonite samples at different pH and concentration
  • [1]Erin Bobicki
  • [2]Markus Bleuel
  • [3]Mohammad Shoaib
  • [1]University of Toronto
  • [2]University of Maryland at College Park
  • [3]The University of Toronto
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Fri 11/15/2019 10:00324488The Phase behavior of Mixtures of D2O/C2D6O and Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) studied with Ultra Small Angle Neutron Scattering (USANS)
  • [1]Markus Bleuel
  • [2]Yun Liu
  • [3]Samim Ali
  • [4]Vivek Prabhu
  • [1]University of Maryland at College Park
  • [2]University of Delaware
  • [3]Raman Research Institute
  • [4]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Markus Bleuel
    Mon 11/18/2019 10:00526322Characterizing shear thickening and structure formation in concentrated TiO2 suspension (Rheo-USANS)
  • [1]Norman Wagner
  • [1]Yu-Fan Lee
  • [1]Yimin Luo
  • [1]University of Delaware
  • Rheometer 301 - R-01
    Paul Butler
    Sat 11/23/2019 10:00426867Preliminary USANS Measurements on HASE Solutions
  • [1]Alan Nakatani
  • [2]Kathleen Weigandt
  • [1]The Dow Chemical Company
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Kathleen Weigandt
    Wed 11/27/2019 10:00826439Opening of close pores in coal and shale using mechanical stress
  • [1]Tomasz Blach
  • [1]Univerity of New South Wales
  • Syringe Pump - SP-01
    Markus Bleuel
    Thu 12/05/2019 10:00426942Studying the conformation of conjugated polymers
  • [1]Caitlyn Wolf
  • [1]Lilo Pozzo
  • [2]Yun Liu
  • [1]University of Washington
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • 10 Position Sample Stage, -10 to 100C - 10CB-01
    John Barker
    Mon 12/09/2019 10:00425434USANS Measurements of Stainless Steel
  • [1]Markus Bleuel
  • [2]Adam Creuziger
  • [1]University of Maryland at College Park
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Fri 12/13/2019 10:00227277Structure reversibility of solvent segregation driven gel (SeedGel) with tunable gelation temperatures investigated by vSANS and USANS
  • [1]Yuyin Xi
  • [2]Yun Liu
  • [1]University of Delaware
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  •  Yun Liu
    Fri 01/03/2020 10:00226352The microstructure and rheology of a conductive, shear thinning, carbon nanomaterial suspension
  • [1]katie Weigandt
  • [2]Enoch Nagelli
  • [2]Matthew Armstrong
  • [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • [2]University of Delaware
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Ryan Murphy
    Mon 01/06/2020 10:00427565Rheo-USANS of KetjenBlack suspensions - longer count times
  • [1]Julie Hipp
  • [1]University of Delaware
  • Rheometer 301 - R-01
    Paul Butler
    Fri 01/10/2020 10:001026486Pore Structure Characterization of Artificially-matured Shales from Different Depositional Environments
  • [1]Qinhong Hu
  • [2]Binqian Yin
  • [1]Qiming Wang
  • [3]Markus Bleuel
  • [1]University of Texas at Arlington
  • [2]The University of Texas at Alington
  • [3]University of Maryland at College Park
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Mon 01/20/2020 10:00226384Structure determination of complex, therapeutically relevant lipid nanoparticles
  • [1]Tommy Nylander
  • [2]Jan Swenson
  • [3]Jennifer Gilbert
  • [1]Lund University
  • [2]Chalmers University of Technology Sweden
  • [3]Division of Physical Chemistry, Lund University
  •  Susana Teixeira
    Wed 01/22/2020 10:00125875Mechanism of Nanoscale Corrosion Resistance of Next-Generation Mg-Al Alloy Welds
  • [1]Donovan Leonard
  • [1]Gernot Rother
  • [1]Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • 10 Position Sample Stage, -10 to 100C - 10CB-01
    Cedric Gagnon
    Thu 01/23/2020 10:00120664calibration
  • [1]David Mildner
  • [2]Markus Bleuel
  • [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • [2]University of Maryland at College Park
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Markus Bleuel
    Fri 01/24/2020 10:00127000Feasibility tests of bentonite samples at different pH and concentration
  • [1]Erin Bobicki
  • [2]Markus Bleuel
  • [3]Mohammad Shoaib
  • [1]University of Toronto
  • [2]University of Maryland at College Park
  • [3]The University of Toronto
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Sat 01/25/2020 10:00125875Mechanism of Nanoscale Corrosion Resistance of Next-Generation Mg-Al Alloy Welds
  • [1]Donovan Leonard
  • [1]Gernot Rother
  • [1]Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • 10 Position Sample Stage, -10 to 100C - 10CB-01
    Cedric Gagnon
    Sun 01/26/2020 10:00125364Porosity changes during granite weathering by dissolution and (re)precipitation
  • [1]Lawrence Anovitz
  • [1]Michael Cheshire
  • [1]Juliane Weber
  • [1]Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Mon 01/27/2020 10:00127277Structure reversibility of solvent segregation driven gel (SeedGel) with tunable gelation temperatures investigated by vSANS and USANS
  • [1]Yuyin Xi
  • [2]Yun Liu
  • [1]University of Delaware
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  •  Yun Liu
    Tue 01/28/2020 10:00227626Polymer self-assembly in the presence of salt
  • [1]Patrick McCauley
  • [2]Christopher Neal
  • [1]University of Minnesota
  • [2]University of Minnesota - Department of Chemical engineering
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Paul Butler
    Thu 01/30/2020 10:00326334 Investigating Shale Nanopore Structures Using Contrast-Matching Small-Angle and Ultra-Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
  • [1]Hongwu Xu
  • [1]Chelsea Neil
  • [1]Rex Hjelm Jr.
  • [1]Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Yimin Mao
    Sun 02/02/2020 10:00626315Probing the Shale Nanopore - Oil - Gas Interactions for Enhanced Hydrocarbon Recovery: A High-Pressure SANS/USANS Study
  • [1]Erik Watkins
  • [1]Rex Hjelm Jr.
  • [1]Hongwu Xu
  • [1]Chelsea Neil
  • [1]Los Alamos National Laboratory
  •  Yimin Mao
    Sat 02/08/2020 10:00326247Characterization of Organic and Inorganic Shale Nanopores and Their Interactions with Water Under Themomechanical Stresses by SANS and USANS
  • [1]Chelsea Neil
  • [1]Erik Watkins
  • [1]Rex Hjelm Jr.
  • [1]Marilyn Hawley
  • [1]Hongwu Xu
  • [1]Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Pressure Cell, < 1kbar, 25-200C - PC-01
  • Syringe Pump - SP-01
    Yimin Mao
    Wed 03/04/2020 10:00527615Conformation of lithiated polymer binder for next generation lithium ion batteries
  • [1]Paul Butler
  • [2]Mary Burdette-Trofimov
  • [3]Markus Bleuel
  • [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • [2]Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Chemical Sciences Division
  • [3]University of Maryland at College Park
  • Rheometer 301 - R-01
    Ryan Murphy
    Mon 03/09/2020 10:00327277Structure reversibility of solvent segregation driven gel (SeedGel) with tunable gelation temperatures investigated by vSANS and USANS
  • [1]Yuyin Xi
  • [2]Yun Liu
  • [1]University of Delaware
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  •  Yun Liu
    Thu 03/12/2020 10:00127721Understanding the Effect of Pharmaceutical Preservatives on Surfactant Micelle Morphology Using SANS and USANS
  • [1]Peter Gilbert
  • [2]zhenhuan zhang
  • [1]Norman Wagner
  • [3]Ken Qian
  • [4]Markus Bleuel
  • [5]Yun Liu
  • [1]University of Delaware
  • [2]University of Delaware - Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  • [3]Eli Lilly and Company
  • [4]University of Maryland at College Park
  • [5]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  •  Yun Liu
    Fri 03/13/2020 10:00127429Secondary structures of starch from different sources: the influence of hydration
  • [1]Yong-Cheng Shi
  • [2]Yimin Mao
  • [1]Kansas State University
  • [2]University of Maryland at College Park
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Yimin Mao
    Sat 03/14/2020 10:00127722 Investigating thermodynamic behavior in polymer blend electrolytes for lithium batteries through USANS
  • [1]Susana Teixeira
  • [1]University of Delaware - Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Susana Teixeira
    Sun 03/15/2020 10:00127429Secondary structures of starch from different sources: the influence of hydration
  • [1]Yong-Cheng Shi
  • [2]Yimin Mao
  • [1]Kansas State University
  • [2]University of Maryland at College Park
  • 9 Position Sample Stage, Room Temperature - 9PSS-01
    Yimin Mao
    Mon 03/16/2020 10:00127721Understanding the Effect of Pharmaceutical Preservatives on Surfactant Micelle Morphology Using SANS and USANS
  • [1]Peter Gilbert
  • [2]zhenhuan zhang
  • [1]Norman Wagner
  • [3]Ken Qian
  • [4]Markus Bleuel
  • [5]Yun Liu
  • [1]University of Delaware
  • [2]University of Delaware - Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  • [3]Eli Lilly and Company
  • [4]University of Maryland at College Park
  • [5]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  •  Yun Liu
    Fri 07/17/2020 10:00325364Porosity changes during granite weathering by dissolution and (re)precipitation
  • [1]Lawrence Anovitz
  • [1]Michael Cheshire
  • [1]Juliane Weber
  • [1]Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Mon 07/20/2020 10:00227768Investigating liposomes and polymersomes in presence drugs
  • [1]Gerald Schneider
  • [2]Markus Bleuel
  • [3]Judith U. De Mel
  • [3]Rasangi Perera
  • [3]Sudipta Gupta
  • [1]unaffiliated
  • [2]University of Maryland at College Park
  • [3]Louisiana State University
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Wed 07/22/2020 10:00527766Buffered PS80/m-cresol Aggregation Kinetics
  • [1]Yun Liu
  • [2]Ken Qian
  • [3]Peter Gilbert
  • [3]Norman Wagner
  • [4]zhenhuan zhang
  • [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • [2]Eli Lilly and Company
  • [3]University of Delaware
  • [4]University of Delaware - Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  •  Yun Liu
    Mon 07/27/2020 10:00326486Pore Structure Characterization of Artificially-matured Shales from Different Depositional Environments
  • [1]Qinhong Hu
  • [2]Binqian Yin
  • [1]Qiming Wang
  • [3]Markus Bleuel
  • [1]University of Texas at Arlington
  • [2]The University of Texas at Alington
  • [3]University of Maryland at College Park
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Thu 07/30/2020 10:00327751Determine domain size with varied lutidine ratio and particle concentration of SeedGel
  • [1]Yuyin Xi
  • [1]University of Delaware
  •  Yun Liu
    Sun 08/02/2020 10:00226313Elucidating Ligand-Driven Phase Separations in Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticle Blends Using USANS
  • [1]Wenjie Wu
  • [2]Alamgir Karim
  • [1]University of Houston
  • [2]University of Akron
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Tue 08/04/2020 10:00327429Secondary structures of starch from different sources: the influence of hydration
  • [1]Yong-Cheng Shi
  • [2]Yimin Mao
  • [1]Kansas State University
  • [2]University of Maryland at College Park
  • 9 Position Sample Stage, Room Temperature - 9PSS-01
    Yimin Mao
    Wed 09/02/2020 10:00326356Two-Dimensional Neutron Scattering Tomography
  • [1]Benjamin Heacock
  • [2]Connor Kapahi
  • [3]Michael Huber
  • [2]Dusan Sarenac
  • [2]Dmitry Pushin
  • [1]North Carolina State University
  • [2]University of Waterloo
  • [3]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • 4R 4 Position Rotating Sample Ambient - 4PRSA-01
    Michael Huber
    Sat 09/05/2020 10:00226486Pore Structure Characterization of Artificially-matured Shales from Different Depositional Environments
  • [1]Qinhong Hu
  • [2]Binqian Yin
  • [1]Qiming Wang
  • [3]Markus Bleuel
  • [1]University of Texas at Arlington
  • [2]The University of Texas at Alington
  • [3]University of Maryland at College Park
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Markus Bleuel
    Mon 09/07/2020 10:00427832Measure pores in shale rock samples
  • [1]Hubert King
  • [1]ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company
  •  John Barker
    Fri 09/11/2020 10:00527100Pore Size Distributions in Diatomite - USANS
  • [1]Benjamin Gilbert
  • [2]Lawrence Anovitz
  • [1]Christopher Colla
  • [1]Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • [2]Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Markus Bleuel
    Wed 09/16/2020 10:00227860Characterizing growth rings in starch granule using USANS
  • [1]Yimin Mao
  • [1]University of Maryland at College Park
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Yimin Mao
    Fri 09/18/2020 10:00427766Buffered PS80/m-cresol Aggregation Kinetics
  • [1]Yun Liu
  • [2]Ken Qian
  • [3]Peter Gilbert
  • [3]Norman Wagner
  • [4]zhenhuan zhang
  • [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • [2]Eli Lilly and Company
  • [3]University of Delaware
  • [4]University of Delaware - Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Yun Liu
    Tue 09/22/2020 10:00325375Detecting tectonic deformation of shale by small angle neutron scattering
  • [1]Susan Brantley
  • [2]David Mildner
  • [1]Xin Gu
  • [1]Pennsylvania State University
  • [2]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • 4R 4 Position Rotating Sample Ambient - 4PRSA-01
    Susana Teixeira
    Fri 09/25/2020 10:00727867Hanford Irradiated Boehmite-SANS agregation study with Oxalates
  • [1]Lawrence Anovitz
  • [2]Markus Bleuel
  • [1]Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • [2]University of Maryland at College Park
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Markus Bleuel
    Sun 10/04/2020 10:00427766Buffered PS80/m-cresol Aggregation Kinetics
  • [1]Yun Liu
  • [2]Ken Qian
  • [3]Peter Gilbert
  • [3]Norman Wagner
  • [4]zhenhuan zhang
  • [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • [2]Eli Lilly and Company
  • [3]University of Delaware
  • [4]University of Delaware - Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Yun Liu
    Thu 10/08/2020 10:00227850Gelation temperature study of SeedGel using the mixture of different solvents
  • [1]Yuyin Xi
  • [1]University of Delaware
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Yun Liu
    Sat 10/10/2020 10:00227766Buffered PS80/m-cresol Aggregation Kinetics
  • [1]Yun Liu
  • [2]Ken Qian
  • [3]Peter Gilbert
  • [3]Norman Wagner
  • [4]zhenhuan zhang
  • [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • [2]Eli Lilly and Company
  • [3]University of Delaware
  • [4]University of Delaware - Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  •  Yun Liu
    Tue 11/10/2020 10:00113529SANS Instrument Calibration and Testing
  • [1]Jeffrey Krzywon
  • [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Markus Bleuel
    Wed 11/11/2020 10:00127965Detailed examination of nano-diamond powder with (U)SANS
  • [1]Markus Bleuel
  • [2]Dmitry Pushin
  • [3]Egor Lychagin
  • [3]Alexander Strelkov
  • [4]Valery Nesvizhevsky
  • [3]Grigory Nekhaev
  • [3]Alexei Muzychka
  • [3]Alexander Nezvanov
  • [5]Kirill Zhernenkov
  • [1]University of Maryland at College Park
  • [2]University of Waterloo
  • [3]Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
  • [4]Institut Laue-Langevin, 71 avenue des Martyrs, F-38042, Grenoble, France
  • [5]Juelich Centre for Neutron Science, Forschungszentrum Juelich
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Markus Bleuel
    Thu 11/12/2020 10:00127968Studying the aggregation behavior of Li-batteries materials
  • [1]Tao Li
  • [2]Yang Zhang
  • [3]Yun Liu
  • [1]Northern Illinois University
  • [2]University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • [3]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Yun Liu
    Fri 11/13/2020 10:00427928Microstructure of branched polyolefins
  • [1]Carlos Lopez-Barron
  • [1]ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company
  • 7 Position Sample Stage, 25-250 ± 0.5 C - 7PSS-01
    Yimin Mao
    Tue 11/17/2020 10:00627397Towards a quantitative description of the serpentinization reaction: (u)SANS measurement of porosity in serpentinites at in situ pressure
  • [1]Simone Pujatti
  • [1]Benjamin Tutolo
  • [1]University of Calgary
  •  John Barker
    Mon 11/23/2020 10:00327866Hanford Irradiated Boehmite-USANS agregation study with Oxalates
  • [1]Lawrence Anovitz
  • [2]Markus Bleuel
  • [1]Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • [2]University of Maryland at College Park
  • 4R 4 Position Rotating Sample Ambient - 4PRSA-01
    Thu 11/26/2020 10:00228080Study of lipid mixtures with different OH-groups in relation to sticker-polymers using SANS
  • [1]Sudipta Gupta
  • [1]Alexandra Aucoin
  • [2]Gerald Schneider
  • [3]Markus Bleuel
  • [1]Louisiana State University
  • [2]unaffiliated
  • [3]University of Maryland at College Park
  •  Markus Bleuel
    Sat 11/28/2020 10:00327115Study of microgel shell during slow and fast T-jump using SANS with contrast variation
  • [1]Andrea Scotti
  • [2]Walter Richtering
  • [3]Alberto Fernandez-Nieves
  • [1]RWTH Aachen
  • [2]RWTH - Aachen University
  • [3]Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Circulating Bath, 0 to 80C - CB-01
    Susana Teixeira
    Tue 12/01/2020 10:00127894Structure of NASH gels at high pH
  • [1]Norman Wagner
  • [1]Jennifer Mills
  • [1]University of Delaware
  • 6R 6 Position Rotating Sample Ambient - 6PRSA-01
  • 4R 4 Position Rotating Sample Ambient - 4PRSA-01
    Ryan Murphy
    Fri 12/04/2020 10:00327117SANS studies of a bacterial colonization factor
  • [1]Henrik Sørensen
  • [1]Reidar Lund
  • [1]Ute Krengel
  • [1]University of Oslo
  •  Susan Krueger
    Mon 12/07/2020 10:00427478SANS/USANS Study of Flowable Electrodes for Capacitive Deionization
  • [1]Heon Ki Cho
  • [1]Jeffrey Richards
  • [1]Northwestern University
  • Rheometer 301 - R-01
    Ryan Murphy
    Fri 12/11/2020 10:00327989Study of repulsive colloidal gel structures using deuterated solvents
  • [1]Yun Liu
  • [2]Yuyin Xi
  • [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • [2]University of Delaware
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Yun Liu
    Wed 12/16/2020 10:00127989Study of repulsive colloidal gel structures using deuterated solvents
  • [1]Yun Liu
  • [2]Yuyin Xi
  • [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • [2]University of Delaware
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Yun Liu
    Thu 12/17/2020 10:00427330Understanding processes in freeze-drying of biologic materials
  • [1]Maja HELLSING
  • [2]sebastian Håkansson
  • [3]Adrian Rennie
  • [1]research institutes of sweden
  • [2]biogaia
  • [3]Uppsala University
  • 6CB 6 Position Sample Changer, -10 - 100 C - 6PSC-01
    Susana Teixeira

    As of 01/13/2023 11:33

    Last modified 03-January-2023 by website owner: NCNR (attn: )